Michael Waye
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I didn't know Michael, but I understand he had a wife and a young son. To them, I hope you have had the courage to move forward and have found new joys in your lives. America will never forget.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 23 2022 10:22PM
Thinking of family and friends of Michael's today. God Bless!
Diane Lynn Wren, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 7:18PM
Dec 14 2009 12:48PM
I worked with Mike. He was known as Dr. No, he was strict but good
Bill Quinn, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 4:39PM
I worked with Mike at trade.com. I knew him to have loved his children. That is what our conversations were about; family and vacations and school and girl-scout cookies. He had an infectious smile despite on-the-job frustrations. He really did smile and laugh a lot. He was smart and experienced and knew exactly how much that intelligence was worth. He had a team-player attitude and stuck with things even when confronted with mounting difficulties. When he left to go to Marsh I remember feeling his absence. I have wanted to write something for him and to his memory for much too long. So, on this anniversary day I write this and to his family I can tell you that this was one very good guy! I wish I had known him longer.
Jim Meyer, Colleague
Sep 11 2004 10:28AM
Mike and his brothers were like big brothers to the kids in my neighborhood when I was growing up. He was always around to talk to us and to make us laugh. This tradgedy was difficult enough to deal with and when I found out that his life was taken that day, it just added to the pain. I would imagine that in a difficult or troubling time, that Mike is the type of person that anybody wold want around for support. His sense of humor alone could help one through those times. Mike will be missed by myself and my family. I will never forget how much he has impacted my life. God Bless America!
Will (Willy), Friend
Sep 12 2002 9:15AM
Mike was one of the first people I met when I started at Marsh. He never missed a 'hello' in the hallway or an opportunity to make a joke after that. Mike was a person of true wit, intellect, practicality and dedication. Common sense was his mantra. He was someone who never did what was 'just required', but rather was an individual who always went beyond what was asked of him and then some. Mike was that rare fellow, so few of us meet in our existence, who liked to make the lives of all those he interacted with easier... ...and certainly at the least, get you to smile.
matthew adduci, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 10:02AM